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An online tshock server manager interface. Fully manage your server from the website, anywhere.

  1. XGhozt

    Plugin Developer

    May 12, 2012
    This is the release thread and online support thread for TServerWeb.com. Please post any questions, comments, or suggestions here as I continue to develop the project. This project took over a year to develop to point of release and I will continue to support it in the future.

    This should work with any version of TShock, but if you experience any errors please let me know what version you are running. Some of the REST API Endpoints may have changed.

    Follow the project on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TServerWeb

    What does it do?
    With TServerWeb you can control your TShock server online through the website. You simply need to enable the TShock REST API in your server configuration. This includes the following:
    • Viewing who is online
    • Kicking, banning, healing and viewing player inventory
    • Running console commands
    • Managing the user groups, including the permissions and color
    • Editing members and their group
    • Executing World commands, such as spawning a meteor
    • Managing your banned users and lifting a ban
    • Server listed with public profile (free advertising)
    • Easily manage multiple servers (publicly listed or private)
    View the Demo

    How do I enable the TShock REST API?
    To enable the TShock REST API, you need to open a second port on your server. The API is a seperate service that runs along side your Terraria Server (powered by TShock). Open the configuration and look for the following lines:

      "RestApiEnabled": false,
      "RestApiPort": 7878,
    Set the "RestApiEnable" option to true. Once this is done you will need to restart your server and the API will be running on the port specified. You can now login to your control panel and add the server API information to start using the control panel. You must use a user account in a group with the restapi permission assigned to that group or your superadmin account for the API to function properly.

    How is this helpful?
    I originally started this project for myself to manage my own server. I wanted a way to easily setup the groups, group colors and permissions without having to type a series of comments to get things setup the way I wanted. Once I started to realize how powerful the REST API is, I wanted to take advantage of it and decided to let others use it too and incorporate as much of the API as I possibly could. As it turned out, I had a lot of fun along a way and met some great people.

    TO-DO List
    • Allow server admins to add sub-accounts as moderators to a server
    • Make it easier to vote for the server in-game (plugin coming soon)
    • Plugin for viewing the raw server log on the website
    • Player statistical tracking
    • Server uptime monitoring
    • RSS Feed for server list
    • Ability to give users items easily
    • Terraria Server cronjobs (execute commands every x hours)
    • Macros (execute a series of commands easily)
    • Investigate the possibility of connecting directly to the SQL database
    • Banned items management
    • Customized banner/share options (in progress)
    • Statistical information tracking
    • Embeddable vote button
    • Make the design responsive, so it works on your tablet/phone
    • Redesign server profile page
    This project is still in active development, if you see errors please just try again or let me know so I can fix it right away.
    • Like Like x 8
    #1 XGhozt, Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  2. Wolfe

    Wolfe Level 9

    Jan 3, 2012
    Is MySQL support planned?
  3. XGhozt

    Plugin Developer

    May 12, 2012
    MySQL support is not planned at this time, but it's something I can look into. It should not be needed if the API works, the API is also a safer route.
  4. architect_vince

    architect_vince Level 2

    Mar 3, 2013
    This is some damn good work. :D Great job!
  5. DarkOS

    DarkOS tShock supporter and programming hack.

    Aug 17, 2011
    This is outstanding. well done!
  6. XGhozt

    Plugin Developer

    May 12, 2012
    Just fixed a bug which prevented a user from adding the server website to the server profile when editing a server's public profile information. The website link is showing up now along with the field to save it.
  7. XGhozt

    Plugin Developer

    May 12, 2012

    • Proxies are now blocked when adding votes to a server to prevent fake votes.
    • Superadmin account is no longer required, as long as the account being used is in a group with access to the restapi permission set, then the manage will function perfectly.
    • Fixed odd characters showing up in server titles.
    • Pending comment count is now showing the correct number.
  8. DarkOS

    DarkOS tShock supporter and programming hack.

    Aug 17, 2011
    hows Colin going to get votes now?

    j/k Colin- you have a great server man I don't know how you do it.

    Well done on the site updates!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Loganizer

    Plugin Developer

    Dec 2, 2012
    This is awesome man! Keep up the great work!
  10. bippity

    Plugin Developer

    Jan 14, 2012
    I feel embarrassed asking this but, is this similar to Radishes' "tshockweb" plugin? Except better?
  11. architect_vince

    architect_vince Level 2

    Mar 3, 2013
    Yea..it's basically an upgrade I believe. Check out the demo for yourself, you might be able to see a few things that'll explain things for you.
  12. Loganizer

    Plugin Developer

    Dec 2, 2012
    Well it has all the features of tshockweb, plus more. Tshockweb is mainly used for server management, although this is used for management and a public server list.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. DankBud

    DankBud Level 8

    Jul 23, 2011
    Great job man, here's a suggestion, vote rewards. Also can someone unlike a server every 24 hour's? -_-
    • Like Like x 1
  14. XGhozt

    Plugin Developer

    May 12, 2012
    Thank you! Yes, actually I am working on a vote plugin with a friend for in-game rewards. Stay tuned. :)
    Edit: Yes, you can only like or dislike a server every 24 hours, you don't like that?
  15. DrZoddiak

    DrZoddiak Level 1

    Oct 1, 2012
    I seem to be having a problem with this. I have opened the 7878 port and enabled it.
    I had the server posted up on the site but set to private. Before I allowed 7878 through my firewall I was getting an Offline message. When I allowed it I got a Authentication Error.
    Is there anyway I can fix this by your knowledge?
  16. Loganizer

    Plugin Developer

    Dec 2, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  17. DrZoddiak

    DrZoddiak Level 1

    Oct 1, 2012
    As stated before I did portforward which led to the problem of receiving the authentication error.
  18. XGhozt

    Plugin Developer

    May 12, 2012
    This error is because the username and password used to generate a token failed. Double check your server configuration and make sure you're using the correct login. If it is correct, please PM me the server ID. This might also be due to having any special characters in the player name.
  19. DrZoddiak

    DrZoddiak Level 1

    Oct 1, 2012

    Problem was solved, thank you.
    I confused the password with the server password.
  20. architect_vince

    architect_vince Level 2

    Mar 3, 2013
    My server, Azalea, is registered on your Server list, but the list keeps saying it is offline. I've double checked ip and port, and when I view it through my account in Server Management> View Servers, it says it it Online. Any reason for this?